Forum: ability to track forum posts that you started / replied to
Vote for this feature if you like the idea of being able to track which forum threads you started, and also threads that you have replied to.
Lisa Geerman commented
A "subscribe/unsubscribe" tool to be able to bookmark threads for easy finding within PS would be great. That would make it easier to keep track of favorite threads and/or those you've posted to for easier finding.
Laura Wellinghoff commented
@Lisa Marie: We do have the ability to jump to "First Unread Post".
@Jordan: would it be possible, when going through the Notifications links, to give us access to the Forums and subcategories links so that we can step backwards through them, as we can when moving regularly through the Forums?
Lisa Geerman commented
Most other forums have this ability and it would be awesome instead of having to save each thread you want to have handy in the browser's "favorites". Also, although it might be combined with being able to subscribe (whether having posted or not) is the ability to go to the last reply read.
Debbie Gee commented
Also, it would be nice if the replies actually showed up on the post to which you are replying. I realize that some posts could become huge (with tons of thank you reply posts) but maybe they could be in a collapsible format so you could click a down arrow to show replies, or leave it collapsed to scroll through main posts without seeing replies.