Better File Naming Protocol(s)
I do not keep my items in the folders they come in -- i sort them by categories - paper - templates, elements(by type) etc. When a designer doesn't use the kit name on each item - it makes a nightmare for sorting - i have to rename every single element in every file folder - If a naming protocol could be set up so that designers included their name or code - and the name of the file - and the type of item (category) or at least the name of the file - it would be such a help and keep from loosing items as "you already have a file with this name -- because I have 400 items named - paper3 :)))
Becky Hayes commented
Also, when an item is included in something else, you rename it. Why? I keep finding duplicates and it is clogging up my computer!
Marla Filoso commented
I agree! Every file must be unique. Not just unique for each kit, or each artist...!!
For example... Someone might have a fabulous star paper that would go just great with my Christmas layout I'm working on, even if it's not Christmas paper. I'll copy it into my Christmas stash folder. And get an error...
Another example, I have a ton of frames. Sometimes I need to edit the files to add "red" and "metal" so I can find the right frame when doing a search.
Yes, I have a HUGE stash!! :D
Thanks for listening.
Katlyn commented
This is exactly what I want to see get better. Even if it isn’t super specific I’d like to be able to search for things such as “polka dot” or “red flower” or “Halloween” and actually get results in my folder. I usually end up coming back to the site to search and just re downloading the item I was looking for
Kinsey Mulhoon commented
I am totally for a standardized file naming protocol. It doesn't have to be extremely rigid, like the Dewey Decimal or Library of Congress systems, but it does have to contain certain items. Part of becoming a GOOD ... err, a GREAT designer is providing a user-friendly product to customers. I would be more than happy to help develop not only a naming system, but also training tutorials on how to prepare the best end-products possible. New generations of "designers" need to learn a lot more about creating digital scrapbook kits than simply how to recolor CU items, etc.
quilter commented
When you create alpha sets please name them by their letter name, please please don't number them. It's a huge hassle to rename them so they are easy to find.
quilter commented
I use a rename utility for everything I download I would also love a file naming protocol. I rename each kit by designer_kit name_category_name of item. It would really help me if instead of paper150 a paper was named pink polka dot paper, even just a color name would be helpful. I know it's faster to type without spaces or dashes, "bluehairfairy" is hard to read, it would be much easier if it was BlueHairFairy or blue-hair-fairy. I know it sounds picky, but I try to be very careful about giving credit to designers and I just want it to make sense to me when I'm organizing my stash & make sense to others when they see credits. It also makes it faster for me to organize if I at least have a color description and name.
Elif Şahin commented
I understand you Arlene, so that's why I started to name my files as sahindesign_kitname_... However I cannot promise for uniquely naming the papers since after some time it becomes boring to find names for papers :) but because they will have kit name at their initials it won't be problem for you if they named as paper01