Photoshop and Photoshop Elements Classes
Both, LOL! I would LOVE to see photoshop actions added but a designer mentoring program would be nice too. Especially if you could have lower prices than most current mentoring programs. There is not a single one available in the industry at the moment that I can afford. Also, in addition to designer mentoring, classes in using photoshop and photoshop elements, maybe even psp too would be nice. Again the ones that are currently available are so expensive, it makes it impossible for those of us that fall into the lower income brackets to take advantage of those classes.
Robynne Lozier commented
Nov 2019 - I have just purchased and downloaded PSE 2020, and I desperately need some tutorials. Any ideas. Because all the videos I see on youtube are all PSE 2019 or earlier. Thanks.
Kelly Kelly A commented
I'd love to see more tutorials for PSE 2019. But saying that after searching on the internet for many simple things (e.g., where is a list of file extensions for styles, swatches, styles, gradients, and effects? I did finally figure this out) -- I realize how difficult it is for tutorials to keep up with the latest versions. Also I see a lot of tutorials that don't indicate whether they are for PS or include PSE. So I realize that this might not just be a one-time delivery of the tutorials but there might be some maintenance involved.
Jalene Hays commented
Here's a link to beginner PSP lessons that's free, just cut and paste into your browser.... There are others as well, but this is the one I'm using right now.