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Are the elements/papers/kits on printable?
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Clicking "Purchase" is not taking me to PayPal
Do bonus download credits expire?
Does a commercial use subscription include personal use?
Free Digital Minikit download not working
General tip to fix many problems: update or reset your web browser
How do I download the weekly free mini kit from
How does work?
How does the monthly billing cycle work? When does the month begin and end?
How to cancel your download subscription
How to re-download an item
How to update your billing/payment information
How to upgrade from pu subscription to cu subscription?
How to upgrade subscription from monthly to yearly payment?
I want to sell a kit that uses graphics, but I'm not sure if it fits with your TOU.
Is there a way to request specific designs/themes from designers?
License/Terms of Use
May I use your items to decorate mugs/clothing/accessories/etc that I sell on Zazzle, or in my Etsy store?
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Purchase unlimited downloads
Rotating Your Profile Photo
Subscriber and Patron status explained
Subscription unexpectedly canceled
Trouble downloading
Trouble logging in
Trouble opening downloaded files
Trouble resetting password
Trouble with free daily download credits
Unlimited downloading privileges removed immediately upon subscription cancellation
What is Digital Scrapbooking?
What software should I use for digital scrapbooking?
Where can I find my download / purchase history?
Where can I find my Wish List?
Where can I find/browse items that I have "hearted"?
Why can't I download full kits/bundles?
Why is Pixel Scrapper now