Trouble downloading
First: refresh the page for the item you wish to download, and try re-downloading it.
For most browsers you can refresh the page by pressing "F5" on your keyboard (or you can Google how to refresh the page for your browser). If charged you your download credits already, you will see a notice that you can re-download the item for free for a few days after your initial attempt. So try to re-download the item, and see if the download works the second time.
Make sure to WAIT a few seconds after you click the download button, as it can sometimes take 10 or 15 seconds for a download to start.
If you are downloading on an iPad, iPhone, or Android device, make sure you know where your download is going.
Make sure you know where your default download location is, and how to check that location. We advise downloading from a laptop or desktop computer, where downloads are more easily accessible.
If you are still having trouble with the download after one or two re-try attempts, please follow these steps:
1. Try using a download manager to handle your downloads. This will make your files download faster, and help prevent problems during download. A great free download manager can be found at Using a download manager can solve a lot of download problems.
2. Try updating and/or resetting your web browser by following the steps listed here. Following those steps solves download issues for many people.
3. If the file seems to be downloading fully, but you are having issues opening it, or it is generating an error when you attempt to open it, please see our knowledge base article on trouble opening downloaded file.
If you are still having problems getting a download to work after following ALL the steps above, please go ahead and submit a support request.
Please include the following information in your email:
- Include a detailed description of exactly what is happening when you attempt to download a file. If you are seeing any error messages or the like, please include a screenshot.
- Let us know if this is a new problem, or something that has been happening for a while. Let us know if it is an issue with every file you attempt to download, or just some files (and include links to the files that are not downloading for you).
- Let us know that you have read this post, and followed all of the recommendations above (such as using a download manager to handle the downloads).
Thanks for helping us help you--together, I'm sure we can get things working!