Indicate already downloaded items when browsing/searching
This may be too difficult, or completely impractical to implement, but I would love to be able to know if I had already downloaded something, and under which licence - BEFORE clicking on it to open it.
DaniMoraes commented
Hi, I know this been implemented already, but I think my request would go hand in hand with this feature: how about the ability of members to put an already downloaded checkmark on kits that were completely downloaded in graphic mode, what I mean is downloaded totally but graphic by graphic, individually.
Rose Thorn commented
Looks like this feature has been implemented. If you have already downloaded an item, it states it in pink/red text, just below the download button.
Sally Carpenter commented
Great idea.... I would also like to know if I have already given the item a heart
Chitra David commented
Also out of votes...but yes!
mobob commented
Something that identifies whether I have uploaded the specific image or kit before on the image rather than having to open it and find out that I have already downloaded the item previously.
Honey O'Mahoney commented
I love that yall tell me when I've already downloaded an item. It would be helpful if there were an indicator on the results page (of a query) of items previously downloaded. Like a tick mark in the thumbnail's icon. Keep up the great work!!
Rose Thorn commented
I'm long out of votes but I really like this suggestion.
Isabel Bonescratcher commented
Possibility to sort items in searches to exclude or at least fade out or otherways indicate the items you've already downloaded..! it would also be really useful to have an indicator of which items you've already checked out the details of!! AND being able to download an item directly from the search results pages would be a huge time and irritation saver
Holly Wolf commented
It's probably possible, and while it might slow down loading pages full of graphics thumbnails (because this would have to be checked for EACH item, meaning it'd need to check both if you have downloaded the individual item or any kit it was part of), it would save bandwidth in loading a page to look at something only to realize it's already in your downloaded collection, and possibly doing this a couple dozen times in a session looking for the right button for a layout.
Anni Large commented
Yes, yes, yes!
Jennifer Leighton commented
search feature allowing you to only see what you have not downloaded
Katherine Neilley commented
Maybe a check mark in the corner, if at all possible.
Jen Wilson commented
Or if we could hide items we've previously downloaded. I tend to forget what I've downloaded and don't know until I open up individual items
Chitra David commented
Yes, this is very necessary & entirely possible to include this feature...and I know many other sites have it. Once I downloaded an item from the commons a couple of times... ;)
Shuckclod Meow commented
A way to remove items we have already purchased. (like for patrons) I like and comment every item, so I keep track that way.
Beth Kramer commented
Totally agree...this would be a great feature. I have seen this feature on other websites too! :) Great suggestion.