Cave Tour themed kit
Surprisingly, nothing actually exists on any major design store for actually /just/ visiting a cave* (last year I went to the Mark Twain Cave). Because the cave is lit with colorful LED lights, I'm also looking for something that has a good range of colors, but also a good range of neutrals-- (like a kind of complementary color palate, like with blue violet, blue, orange, and red, red-violet but with way more pale tan and orangey neutrals added). Added is some of the best pics I took to grok the color palate I'm looking for.
*(I got many irrelevant Man Cave and Cave Man search results on many stores and I'm frankly over it. I just want my Cave Tour kit) lol

Anna Johnson commented
I've done a couple of mining tours too when I was a teen as well out in Colorado back in the 90's and I know exactly what it is you mean by that statement, Nona.
Nonna Orzechowski commented
Kind of along the same lines, we've gone on a couple of different mining tours that take place underground and it's pretty much impossible to find anything for that either.